Our Background

A Bit About Us

Jiffy’s delivery service is a rising logistics solution that provides potential shippers with an alternative to ship household goods and other easily transportable items at same-day speeds at distances of up to 200 miles. Unlike FedEx and UPS, we offer, max 4-hour delivery windows, 24/7 availability, and On-demand readiness.

Our founder, Alvin (AJ) Mitchell Jr. decided to build this company out of a need for the very service that we provide. 

In late 2020, he purchased a gift (a household good) from eBay and in doing so, realized that the seller was located relatively close to where he resides. It was in this moment that he discovered the value and opportunity associated with on-demand, expedited delivery as well as the lack of a pre-existing service that satisfies this niche.

Fast forward to today, our goal is to be the ultimate solution to that problem. We envision ourselves as a disruptor in the broader logistics industry and a direct competitor to the Ubers, DoorDashes, and GoPuffs of the world.

We love what we do and our priority first and foremost will always be to satisfy the customer’s needs to the best of our ability!


Ship household goods anywhere with 24/7, On-Demand availability